The folks behind the product

Transforming shopping with AI

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Our story (so far)


AI is changing the world, and we believe that everyone deserves to benefit. That means personalized experiences for consumers with better recommendations, and finding what you need, when you need it, in your own words. But this can't only be true for online stores run by billion dollar corporations. Mom and pop shops deserve access to the same tools as the big guys.

Cortex Click is a product that connects people around the topics and ideas that fascinate them. Walking into a store and striking up a conversation with a salesman is an affair as old as time. E-commerce lost this personal touch, and we're here to bring it back.

Above all else, we believe in making our customers win. When our customers win, we win. When the company wins, our teams win. And when our team wins, we win.

Evan Boyle is the Founder and CEO at Cortex Click, and was previously an engineering executive at Pulumi, a popular cloud infrastructure and AI company, and Amazon Advertising where he built and launched video, brand, and lifestyle advertising. Evan believes deeply that AI is changing the world and the way we interact with it, and is committed to (1) make sure we all have the opportunity to benefit from the rising tides, and (2) make sure that the personal touch is bolstered rather than lost along the way.

We thrive on going to battle for our customers every day. To democratize advancements in AI. To raise up mom & pop onto level ground to compete with the giants.

Engage customers with LLM shopping assistants

Personalize your online business

Use AI to serve your users, and generate top-of-funnel traffic.