Creating content

Cortex Click provides an AI-assisted long-form content editor to speed up the process of creating high-quality, trustworthy content including:

  • Blog posts
  • Tutorials
  • SEO-optimized landing pages
  • Case studies
  • Developer doumentation

Writing workflow

The content generation workflow allows you to quickly generate content grounded in your data. You'll start by generating an initial article and then using a combination of manual edits and AI refinements to get to high quality content 90% faster.

Initial generation

Just select a cortex, enter a title and a few notes about points you'd like to cover, and it quickly generates a first draft.

Different cortexes can be created for different content types and use cases. For instance, blog writing might need access to your developer documentation catalog while writing case studies might need access to catalogs of internal data like customer meeting notes and transcripts.

Cortexes use a multi-step workflow to create high quality content quickly:

  1. Planning: The engine starts by writing an outline of your article, and deciding what research it needs to conduct.
  2. Research: The research phase consists of retrieving relevant content from your catalogs along with doing real-time web research for general topics and industry trends that may be missing from your content.
  3. First Draft: Next, the plan and research are used to create an initial draft.
  4. Editorial: Finally, a model designed for optimizing content critiques and improves on the first draft to improve the readability of the article.

AI refinements

Once you have a first draft you can ask the intelligent content engine to make targeted edits and enhancements in natural language. This could be researching and adding data from the internet, adjusting the tone, making changes to code examples, or shortening particular sections.

Versions, diffs & manual edits

In addition to AI refinements, you can view the markdown source of the document and make manual edits.

Cortex Click saves every edit and refinement as an independent version, allowing you to view diffs between revisions and revert back to previous content versions.

Publishing content

When new content is first created, it's marked as a Draft. Once it is ready for review from your teammates you can move it to In Review, Approved, and then finally Published. You can filter content by status from the list page, and write programs with the SDK to fetch and filter content by status for custom publication workflows.

The intelligent content engine produces markdown output which is compatible with most CMS and docs publication systems.

We're working on building automated, one-click publication workflows through the app to the following destinations:

  • GitHub (Pull Requests)
  • Wordpress
  • Shopify

Today, you can publish either by copy/pasting generated content into your CMS/GitHub repo, or writing a program that automates publication with the help of the SDK.

If you need to publish content in a format other than markdown, or need assistance automating your publication workflow please contact us.