
Cortexes are AI agents that can be easily customized to accomplish specific tasks. Configuring a cortex is as simple as writing a few sentences in plain english. Each cortex can be customized with the following:

  • Catalogs: The set of data sources that are available for to the cortex. Cortexes for embedded copilots might need catalogs for your developer documentation and code examples in GitHub, while those for sales automation might need access to spreadsheets and docx files from internal sources.
  • Instructions: A plain english description of the task to accomplish. This might be writing a blog or tutorial, answering support questions, or automating sales processes like security questionnaires.
  • Rules: A plain english description of things the cortex should and should not do.
  • Personality: A few sentences that describe the tone of voice for generated content. This helps content stay on brand.

You can configure a cortex through the SDK or through the app:

Commonly, you'll want to create a set of defaults for your organization, so that all content adheres to brand guidelines and policy.

If you have a scenario that you need help developing, please reach out and we'd be happy to help.