GitHub repos
Entire GitHub repos can be indexed with the DirectoryIndexer
. This involves cloning the repo, and configuring an instance of DirectoryIndexer
that can optionally map file names in the repo to public URLs if the content is hosted on a website as a part of a docs generator.
const catalog = await client.getCatalog("github-docs");
const rootDir = path.join(process.env.GITHUB_DOCS_ROOT_DIR, "content");
const gitHubDocsIndexer = new DirectoryIndexer(catalog, {
urlBase: "",
// an optional function that maps directory structure to URLs on a website
// set document ID to URL
getId: getUrl,
// only include markdown
includeFile(filePath) {
return filePath.endsWith(".md");
await gitHubDocsIndexer.index();
// getUrl specifies how to map documents on disk to public URLs
const getUrl = (docsPathList: string[], sitePathList: string[]) => {
const fileName = sitePathList.pop();
if (fileName === "") {
return sitePathList.join("/");
return [...sitePathList, fileName].join("/").slice(0, -3);
A GitHub app that automates indexing repos from your organziation is under active development.