Publishing Content

Content can be published automatically through the Cortex Click GitHub app or by using the SDK/API to write custom publication scripts.

Publishing to GitHub

The Cortex Click GitHub app enables one-click publishing from within the Cortex Click app to publish any piece of generated content in a pull request.

Publishing via the SDK

The SDK can be used to automate publishing. It is recommended that you take advantage of the content status field to mark production-ready content as PUBLISHED. From there a simple script can be run as a build step within your website:

  1. Use client.listContent to iterate through all pages of content with status: "PUBLISHED"
  2. Retrieve each piece of content
  3. Write the content field to a file in the appropriate location
const client = new CortexClient({
  org: "your-org-name",
  accessToken: process.env.CORTEX_ACCESS_TOKEN,
// update destinations to match local desired directory structure
const publicationConfig = [
  { cortexName: "blog-writer", destination: ["content", "blog"] },
    cortexName: "tutorial-writer",
    destination: ["content", "learn", "tutorials"],
// utility to create file names from titles
const slugify = (title: string) => {
  return title
    .toLowerCase() // Convert to lowercase
    .replace(/[^\w\s-]/g, "") // Remove special characters except hyphens and whitespace
    .replace(/\s+/g, "-") // Replace spaces with hyphens
    .replace(/-+/g, "-"); // Replace multiple hyphens with a single hyphen
// utility to page through all published content from a cortex and write it to local files
const renderContent = async (cortexName: string, destination: string[]) => {
  let page = client.listContent({
    status: ContentStatus.Published,
  // continue paging until we get an empty result
  while (page.content.length) {
    // iterate through each list result item and retrieve the full content
    for (const listResult of page.content) {
      const content = await listResult.Content();
      const slug = slugify(content.title);
      const fpath = path.join(...destination, `${slug}.md`);
      // write content to local file
      fs.writeFileSync(fpath, content.content);
    page = await page.nextPage();
for (const config of publicationConfig) {
  const { cortexName, destination } = config;
  await renderContent(cortexName, destination);